briket arang batok kelapa barbeque

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Indonesia adalah negara penghasil buah kelapa terbesar di dunia. Buah kelapa di export ke banyak negara dan juga banyak produk olahan kelapa yg di export ke manca negara contohnya: frozen coconut, coconut milk, dessicated coconut dan batok kelapa dijadikan arang kemudian di bentuk briquette charcoal.Dari produksi coconut briquette charcoal oleh pabrik, tersisa limbah arang atau charcoal granule ketika proses rotary di lakukan DENGAN melihat potensi limbah arang yang bisa di gunakan kembali,Maka...

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Indonesia is the largest coconut producing country in the world that many of which are exported to foreign countries. However, there are also many coconut products which are also exported, such as frozen coconut, coconut milk, dessicated coconut and coconut shells which are processed into briquette charcoal.Cv. Markido anugerah sejahtera notices that there were residual charcoal waste during filtering procedure carried out by the factory. Seeing the potential of this waste, we collect then repr...

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